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Department of Applied Mathematics

The origins of the Department of Applied Mathematics go back to 1940, when a joint Department of Mechanics and Mathematics was established at the Faculty of Technology of Vytautas Magnus University, which later split into the Departments of Mechanics and Mathematics. In 1950 the Department of Mathematics became the Department of Higher Mathematics, and in 1962 again divided into two – Departments of General Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. The team of the department has published more than 150 different teaching and methodical tools throughout its existence, and today high international level research is developed, and highly qualified specialists are trained here.

The lecturers of the Department of Applied Mathematics train specialists in applied mathematics and take care of the mathematical preparation of all university students. More than 70 study modules have been prepared, which are studied by students of the first, second and third cycle programs of the whole university.

Modern mathematics software is used in the courses: Matlab, SAS, R, Python and e-teaching technologies and software.


Kristina Dedelienė

Studentų str. 50–324A room, Kaunas


Tomas Iešmantas
Assoc. prof. dr. Tomas Iešmantas

Head of Department




Name / Surname Adress E-mail
Prof. dr. Robertas Alzbutas Studentų str. 50–325b room
Prof. dr. Eligijus Sakalauskas Studentų str. 50–142 room

Doctoral students