KTU FMNS Science Seminar “Asset Integrity and Cracks detection in the oil and gas facilities”. Gedmantas Čepkauskas seminar.


Student Gedmantas Čepkauskas will be presenting the results of his summer internship carried out with “Rockoil Consulting Group” from the USA.

An internship was organized by Rock-Oil Consulting Group for Students of Dept. of Mathematics. The company is located in Houston, Texas, but works worldwide. Rock-Oil Consulting Group consults oil industry representatives about emulsion stability, multiphase flow, and phase behaviour of petroleum systems in flow loops, core flood tests, and many other problems that are relevant to the oil industry.  The task for this internship was to make a model, that could help to detect cracks in oil pipelines and in onshore and offshore oil and gas structures like concrete peers and concrete beams/columns. The objective of the model was to classify if there is a crack or not.  If yes, then it should detect in the image. It was decided to test various models for the image classification problem. Later, divide images into smaller parts and use the best model, or an ensemble of the models to detect and mark a crack in the image.

The seminar will take place 20 September at 3.30 PM online. Please join the seminar via https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81615995727?pwd=YmpMWCtjdkgxK2ErdGRxRXhWUE1TZz09


September 20 d. 15:30


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