Bachelor student Augusto Jezus Hernandez Lombordini participated in the International Science Week of Zaragoza (ISWZ)

Important | 2018-11-07

Bachelor student Augusto Jezus Hernandez Lombordini this summer participated in the International Science Week of Zaragoza (ISWZ) which was organized already for the second time in Universidad de Zaragoza. After participating in the contests for wining  the scholarship Augusto joined ISZW together with 20 more students coming from different parts of the world including countries from Europe and USA.

In this event the participants had a chance to visit some amazing laboratories and facilities of the Universidad de Zaragoza, like the Aragon Materials Science Institute (ICMA) and the Underground Laboratory of Canfranc (LSC) a laboratory that is 700 m underground, dedicated for studies of the dark matter.

The stay was not limited to the scientific activities as the organizers did their best that the participants would experience of how is to be a student in the beautiful city of Zaragoza. After the classes the social program including tasting of local food and visiting of the landmarks like churches, museums and walking around the beautiful streets of the city was organized. During the day the participants were busy experiencing visits to the labs and discussing with researchers and at night, they had a chance to taste some amazing food and get in touch with the Spanish culture trough music and dances. Augusto says “I totally recommend to participate in such type of activities like the one that was organized in Zaragoza. You not only end up with a full integrated international level research experiences but also with some unforgettable cultural exchange.”